Rifle & Handgun Ranges
The Rifle Ranges include (2) 200 yard, (2) 100 yard, (2) 50 yard, and (1) 25 yard range, all with covered shooting benches.
The separate Handgun Range is 25 yards and includes reactive targets. Firearms allowed on the Handgun Range are limited to handguns only, in handgun calibers only. No shoulder fired firearms are allowed, including rimfire rifles, pistol caliber carbines, or AR Style pistols in rifle calibers such as .223/5.56×45, .300BLK, etc. AR Style pistols in handgun calibers only are allowed and attached arm braces may only be used as designed for bracing, but they cannot be used as a buttstock and fired from the shoulder mounted position. Pistol Caliber Carbines and Defensive Shotguns may be used on the cordoned off right side of the Handgun Range, or on the Rifle Ranges. Single Shot style handguns such as the T/C Contender and Encore may only be used on the Handgun Range if chambered in pistol calibers, not rifle calibers. The delineation of handgun versus rifle calibers can be found on the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute (SAAMI) website, www.saami.org. All those firearms noted above not allowed on the Handgun Range can be used on any of the Rifle Ranges, but not the Shotgun Patterning Range.
Range Rules
You must display your current Membership Card when using the Rifle or Handgun Ranges. If your card is not displayed and you are questioned by an Officer, Trustee, or Member of the club and you do not respond with a civil answer you may be subject to dismissal from the club.
No shooting is allowed before 8:00 AM. Ranges may be closed as needed for maintenance. Please observe the Range Open/Closed signs.
The Handgun Range will be closed on the first Saturday of each month from 8:00am to Noon for the Tactical Handgun Match.
All Rifle Ranges will be closed on the second Sunday of each month from 8:00am until 3:00pm for the Monthly Trap Shoot. The Handgun Range will be open during that time.
The Lower Rifle Ranges will be closed on Thursdays from 6:00pm on for Trap shooting. The Upper Rifle Ranges and Handgun Range will be open during that time.
The Lower Rifle Ranges will be closed during skeet shooting on:
- Wednesdays – 11:30am to 2:30pm
- Wednesdays – 5:00pm to 8:00pm
- Saturdays – 11:30am to 2:30pm
The Upper Rifle Ranges and Handgun Range will be open during those times.
No shooting at anything other than paper targets fastened to the target racks provided with a proper backstop, and only the club provided steel targets.
No shooting at posts or cross bars of the target racks, targets set at mid-range, or cross shooting on ranges. No shooting of full automatic firearms of any type or .50 BMG guns.
Eye and ear protection is MANDATORY for rifle and handgun shooting and for spectators on any range.
Please observe all safe gun handling rules and especially keep all gun muzzles pointed downrange with the action open and safety on until ready to fire. Absolutely no loaded guns are allowed in the clubhouse.
Failure to obey any range rule is grounds for dismissal.
Click here to download a PDF of the current Membership Manual for rules concerning use of the rifle and handgun ranges.
Tactical Handgun Matches
Tactical Handgun Matches are held the first Saturday of each month, weather and range conditions permitting. Equipment required includes any handgun in a center fire or rimfire handgun caliber, with any type sights, a strong side holster, magazine or speedloaders and carriers to hold up to (30) rounds total, and a total of (100) rounds of ammunition. Matches include three or four stages and shooters are classed according to pistol or revolver, center fire or rimfire, and open sights or optical sights. Fee for the Match is $15.00. Arrive for registration between 8:00am and 8:30am with the safety briefing at 8:45am and hammer down by 9:00am with matches concluded generally by Noon.
- 2023 October Shoot Score
- 2023 November Shoot Scores
- 2023 December Shoot Scores
- 2024 February Shoot Scores
- 2024 March Shoot Scores
- 2024 April Shoot Scores
- 2024 June Shoot Scores
- 2024 July Shoot Scores
- 2024 August Shoot Scores
- 2024 September Shoot Scores